I am heeerrre for this new brunch board trend. Nothing says “look at all this work I did”, without actually having to do much work, like a brunch board.
I also remember a time when I would do brunch “friendsgivings” where each guest brings a brunch item and instead of going out, we all just chipped in and made something (add it to the list of things to bring back after quarantine).

Communal eating can work wonders on your gut health, surprisingly. It’s important to socially connect, relieve stress, and really just enhance your relationships.
In this age of technology a lot of us have lost sight of the value of connection with others.
So after this, text all your girlfriends. Set a date. Put your phones away. BRING YOUR BOARD and make this delicious fruit board that you can eat, make some fruit skewers, toss the fruit in your mimosa, make a fruit salad after.
The opportunities are endless. This is completely customizable too. Add whatever fruit you want, pick a color scheme, make waffles instead, add some chocolate!

The pancakes displayed are coconut pancakes. All I did to make those was use pancake mix, some almond milk, and shredded coconut. They go really well with the fruit and remind me of summer!
The yogurt is just plain yogurt with some maple syrup drizzled on top.
Please leave some of your own ideas in the comments below! Enjoy!